Call For Proposal
OPENING CALL FOR PROPOSALCREATES call for proposal is now open.
Applications can be submitted anytime of the year from 1 January to 31 December.
EVALUATION OF PROPOSALThe proposals will be evaluated by Evaluation and Approval Working Committee biannually i.e. June and December.
HOW TO APPLYAn Applicant who wishes to obtain CREATES funding is required to comply with the following procedures:
- Download and read the guideline for applicants to help you complete your application. This guideline contains useful information covering fund details, eligibility, evaluation, application process and budget information.
- Fill in “Annex B CREATES Research Concept Note Annex B” and “Annex C CREATES Research Proposal Form” (.docx Format). Use of the template and prescribed format is mandatory. Attach any other supporting documents (i.e., Curriculum Vitae(s) of Project Team, Reports of International Peer Reviews, Credential and References).
- Fill in supporting documents of “Annex C Work Done Details” and “Annex C Gantt Chart & Budget Breakdown” (.xlsx Format). Use of the template and prescribed format is mandatory.
- Fill in “CREATES Project Proposal” (.pptx Format). Use of the template and prescribed format is mandatory.
- Submit the completed files mentioned above and any other supporting documents:
One (1) signed hardcopy of the application addressed to and marked as follows:
Yang Mulia Setiausaha Majlis Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Teknologi dan Sains (Council for Research and Advancement in Technology and Science - CREATES) Kementerian Pengangkutan dan Infokomunikasi Jalan Menteri Besar Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910 Negara Brunei Darussalam
PERKARA: “CREATES Grant Application”
One (1) electronic copy of the application in PDF format email to , with subject of the email being written as “CREATES Grant Application”.
III. Any additions, deletions or modifications to these applications shall not be accepted after submitting, unless express permission has been provided by the CREATES in writing.
GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTSPlease download and read the guideline below if you are considering applying for CREATES funding:
CONTACT If you have any enquiries, please use the form below to contact CREATES Secretariat:
Technology and Innovation Division (TID)
Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) Jalan Menteri Besar Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910 Brunei Darussalam Tel: +673 2383838